Articles by Ivana Milosavljević

Serbia, il call-center dell’SNS nel rapporto dell’OSCE

01/03/2024 -  Ivana Milosavljević

Nel suo rapporto finale sulle elezioni in Serbia dello scorso dicembre, l’Ufficio dell’OSCE per le istituzioni democratiche e i diritti umani (ODIHR) ha citato l’inchiesta del Centro per il giornalismo investigativo della Serbia (CINS) sul controverso call-center del Partito progressista serbo (SNS)

CINS Inside SNS’s Call Center

05/12/2023 -  Ivana MilosavljevićTeodora ĆurčićVladimir Kostić

Near the Port of Belgrade, tucked away from the public eye, there is a large call center. From there, more than 100 people call citizens every day to ask them if they will vote for the Serbian Progressive Party in the upcoming elections. It is a well-organized group, and the way they work raises suspicions of vote buying and funding using "black money". Everything was witnessed first-hand by a CINS journalist who was briefly part of this group